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Tragedy Teens 1988-94


Two families of hunters, one city. Friendship, love, downward spirals, guns & knives & bloody knuckles.

Maria Palmer: the prodigy, the Good One, always ready for a fight, the one who is supposed to unite two families
Andy Palmer: the older brother, the artist, the one who never wanted any of this
Vasily Volkov: the ace, the bad boy who makes it look good, the one meant to marry Maria
Vera Volkov: the wild child dating Maria in secret, vicious with a pair of knives, caught in a downward spiral that ends it all
George Palmer: ...please leave him alone, he is trying to read this engineering textbook

Protect what is ours. // волк никогда не борется в одиночку.

( 13 tracks || 48 minutes )

13 tracks
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