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and all his devils inside her

2 comments on and all his devils inside her

ugh god, trying to find enough words for this mix is Hell. It's just literally so goddamn much I cannot believe. the concept Alone is enough to fucking destroy me. Mona has played monster so many times, even on hanna's behalf before, but when it's hanna herself looking her in the face and telling her that that's who she needs, mona vanderwaal is who she needs, it's impossible and stunning and painful and CANON. every song is too perfect, starting with king and lionhearted was DEATHLY JESUS WOMAN. and follow you godddd, god. and oleander Jesus Christ, "I'll be unclean,I'll be obscene, you'll be the rest" GOD MONA GOD. And Neon Jungle's cover of take me to church is Perfect for them, it fully captures and even occasionally surpasses, the intensity of the original sonically, and it Suits mona and the way she loves, the way she loves hanna most of all. And wonderland too just god, AND THAT COVER OF CRIMINAL AND ENDING WITH MONSTER YOU MADE, I JSUT CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO DEAL TBH
