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can anybody hear me? i'm hidden underground

1 comment on can anybody hear me? i'm hidden underground

goddddd spence, god darling. A scared smol, HOW UNFAIR AND RUDE OF YOU. starting with let go is just Ungodly tbh. and Breathe Me and Help I'm Alive and Gods & Monsters SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE ON THE SAME MIX, WTH??? breaking down, though, goddd, "all alone on the verge of sleep, my old familiar friend comes and lies down next to me" goddd, that terror and hysteria that pulls her back from the edge of sleep because it's all a lie, you're never truly safe, not even in your own home, you'll never be safe again. Safety and comfort are an illusion, just a lie they tell you so you're relaxed when they come up and get you from behind. Spencer will never make that mistake again, believing their lies, just god darling tbh, god. and ofc empty is just the most Devastating vibe in all of existence.
