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if this is to end in fire


"They say that long ago it was simple and quiet, but that might be a legend. There was a schism in V.F.D., a great big fight between many of the members, and since then it’s been hard for me to know what to do."

(firestarters and firefighters; volunteers and villains)

tracklist: http://alisonhastings.tumblr.com/post/174426090878/they-say-that-long-ago-it-was-simple-and-quiet

15 tracks
2 comments on if this is to end in fire

“when i was a man i thought it ended when i knew love’s perfect ache, but my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake” is literally TOO MUCH because it fits for FAR TOO MANY CHARACTERS AND IN SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS AND I!!! CAN’T!!! HANDLE!!! IT!!!

what a Mix tbh, run this town was an inspired choice and light em up and strike a match are both so finally Perfect, i love everything about this mix, the concept is amazing and the execution is flawless, the things they lost in the fire is a classic that never feels as overused as it is because it still hits the exact right note and is never not Overwhelming tbh, ending with arsonist’s lullabye was the perfect choice, it gave me chills all over
