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The Brightest Shade of Sun


A compendium of sweet, indie/folk songs inspired by the ultimate, and now canon, OTP.

Title is from Like the Dawn by The Oh Hello's
All characters and art belong to the wonderfully talented Ngozi http://omgcheckplease.tumblr.com/
Shout out to tumblr user Ziimbits for making the cover for me http://ziimbits.tumblr.com/
Tracklist here: http://ziimmbits.tumblr.com/post/140186108688/the-brightest-shade-of-sun

10 tracks
1 comment on The Brightest Shade of Sun

I've been listening to CP playlists for the past two weeks at work, and this is one of my favorites. Thank you for making it so lovely and chill. It's a nice way to start my morning.
