I'm Lisa. I'm a misguided soul-searcher from the hellish pits of South Louisiana. I have a heart made of glass and the scattered remnants of unrequited affection. I find happiness in meeting new people, going on adventures, and finding love in the strangest of places. I think in terms of poetry. Music, cuddling, kisses, and kittens. I'm a little shy at first but once I'm comfortable, conversation and charm comes easily. I try to stay active, whether it be cardio, yoga, bicycling, or hiking; and I'm always down to try something new. I'm a baker by trade. I believe in fate, and that things happen for a reason. I've got an interest for just about anything you put in front of me, I'm a lover not a fighter, I'm really bad at making decisions, and I text a lot.

Holla at cho' gurl ~
