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After well over a year of working on this project...
After spending hours upon hours of careful & strategic arrangement of tracks...
After even more hours of listening and re-listening...

It brings me an incredible amount of joy and excitement to be able to share what I consider to be my best musical accomplishment of my life. So lie back, close your eyes and enjoy the ride.

I present to you... JEWSTRUMENTALS!

221 tracks
4 comments on Jewstrumentals

went for madlib, saw the cover pic, read the description, liked after 3 seconds after hitting play, my day at work is now much more tolerable! can't wait to hear all of it!

Nice mix man! Glad you got Apollo Brown in there. I discovered his beats about a year ago and is by far my favourite hip hop producer. All about the old school samples. Producers from France have really been killing it in this genre too. You might like a not well know producer Our Samplus. This kind of music I just lie down, close my eyes, and let the music take me on a journey. Thanks for the share again bro!

@Stezzy Steve Thx bro! Hells yes. Apollo is my fav producer. Think i discovered him 4-5 years ago... Have you heard Anchovies yet, Apollo's newest collab with Planet Asia. AMAZING. If you're on IG, follow me there too. I can turn you onto a slew of new artists/albums/genres/etc.

It is great collection bro! Instrumental hip-hop is my new love) I am dont like hiphop with words - i think it is broken hip-hop whereas instrumental is virgin hip-hop)))

@fedrbodr thx bro! I totally agree. There's a place in my heart/soul for traditional hip-hop obviously but my one true love is production quality, which can be in the form of instrumental hip-hop, abstract hip-hop, electronic music (and it's thousands of sub-genres), indie/uk garage/folk/etc. There's just something to be said with the pure essence of music itself. You start with a single beat, layer a 2nd one, a 3rd one, change the tempo, breakbeat, sample, etc. etc. The evolution of a beat (a fucknomenal one of course...ha) is one of the most beautiful things in this world for me. @foodsic
