Frankenmartin, indeed
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The conservation movement is a breeding ground of Communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up every bird watcher in the country.


An awakening mix of indelibly imaginative intellectuality in toto intriguingly invigorating. Included in this here mix is also what happens to be just what just might just be music by but by far by no means limited to such artists and such bands such as The Black Dahlia Murder, Tangled Thoughts Of Leaving, and Black Moth Super Rainbow

25 tracks
2 comments on The conservation movement is a breeding ground of Communists and other subversives. We intend to clean them out, even if it means rounding up every bird watcher in the country.

my apologies for comment spam; I'm sick, and slightly out of it. I sent you a stumble message with a dropbox link in it by way of compensation for this drivel.

Dengue Fever Presents Electric Cambodia compilation!! That's where Snaeha & Hope To Meet You come out of! Get it here!: {:- -:} Sorry, no clue why that was listed incorrectly... I was _____-ing for a couple nights out at a friend's place gathering sounds. Some slightly surf-chant-thrash-jazz-viking-reggae track/s might or might not if/and/or/are exist/s/ed. The mountaintop was a temple all along.
What else, right; the quote. Well, if you read up and imajine in your head when & where it was attributed to, it's pretty perfect of a moment in time:
And I'll check out the box. Boxes are great at being things. I once got a thing in the box outside, art piece #93, of a poetry book-let. It's a piece, but it still a book-let too, so.
