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You Look Dashing....And You Know It


You push the double doors open and walk into the hottest new club in new york, heads turn, men hold their woman a little closer. You survey the room, you're the best looking one here and you know it, You're eyes zero in on a particular woman and you straighten out your bow tie smooth your hair back and make your move. This Playlist is full of sexy Jazz electro swing and other music that makes you feel like the best looking guy in the room.

19 tracks
10 comments on You Look Dashing....And You Know It (View all)

I have always been obsessed with electroswing, and i've heard it all. This one is by far one of my favorites. You take the best mixes of the genre and put it into the power playlist!

My brain work in such a way that I visualize most of the things someone says, so know there is this gorgeous scene going on in my head with your playlist in the background and this swell looking guy who makes "men hold their woman a little closer" spinning ladies around the dance floor..
So thanks, I will probably be smiling for the rest of the day. :)
