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music to remember the sea when you give up your tail and fins for a boy on the shore


as your tails crumbles into the sand, sea glass cutting at your tender palms; as you learn how to use muscles you’ve never had and grow tired of the ache in your legs, in your back, in your heart; as you long for the water and realize the rush of white foam over your feet, toes buried in the sand, is not enough; and as he finally, inevitably leaves you, legs crumpled under you, in the sand once again

8 tracks
3 comments on music to remember the sea when you give up your tail and fins for a boy on the shore

hey I love this playlist! but I just noticed that someone's copied it :( it's on /thatharlequingirl/songs-to-remember-the-sea-when-you-give-up-your-tail-and-fins-for-a-boy-on-the-shore
