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Hope. Honor. Courage. Justice. Compassion. Determination. Harmony. Overwatch.

A song for every hero in Overwatch. Will update as more heroes are added.

update (11/4/2016): song added for Sombra
update (7/5/2017): song added for Orisa, songs changed for Reinhardt, Mercy and Zarya
update (10/2/2017): song added for Doomfist
update (11/9/2017): song added for Moira
update (4/12/2018): song added for Brigitte
update (7/23/2018): song added for Wrecking Ball


28 tracks
3 comments on We Are Overwatch

goddamn its been a year but this mix is still gold. mercy's new song fits her rework so good (but also ouch the nerf ;-;), doomfists song is super accurate & moira's gave me /chills/

@terafonne AAAAAAHHHH this is the nicest comment ;_; Tbh I didn't even think of Mercy's rework when I picked her new song, I just liked it more. But I'm glad it works, thanks for pointing it out! I'm so happy you like the new songs, too, Doomfist's took me FOREVER to pick. And as soon as Moira was released I was just like "STORM THE SORROW!"

fjdkskks "id rather shoot and miss" @tracer all of this is brilliant hitting the perfect line btwn emotional and funny
