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and you'll come back to me


I went to the church. I went there to tell you you have to leave, for the sake of my marriage. But when I got there. . .when I got there you were gone. I felt like I lost you all over again. I couldn't go through that, not again. I don't want to go, but I can't stay.

10 tracks
1 comment on and you'll come back to me

My God, this mix was so beautiful to listen! All the songs fit perfectly the story of these two characters: some of them made me remember some of their scenes together and other made imagine what their life together should be in the past. The cover!art is great too, I just watched the season finale of "Resurrection" and I was thinking "i really hope there's fanwork for tom and rachael on tumblr". Yours is truly beautiful, thank you so much for share it with us <3

Thank you so much :D I adore Tom and Rachael -- I'm honestly surprised that they/the show in general aren't more popular on tumblr, both are so great!
