george blagden
Is this playlist safe for work?

once a king of narnia

4 comments on once a king of narnia

I had attempted at doing my homework while listening to this but I had to stop because every few minutes a new song would come one and if jusyt laugh even harder

@noxholly i listened to this again for the first time in months and i am 100% the same, i'm glad other people are as amused by this as i am <3

Could you please stop taunting something you clearly do not understand. You have way too much spare time if you found time to make two mixes aimed at degrading a brilliant book by C.S. Lewis. Go find something you actually care about.

@connor.glendinning thank you so much this is the funniest thing i've seen in a while i'm so glad you took time out of your busy life to comment on my joke mix about my favorite series
