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Her heart has an argument with her head


“Of late, she had felt coldness in herself, and though she feared it, she loved it too, for it made her strong.”
-Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless

13 tracks
2 comments on Her heart has an argument with her head

And some of my favourite magical realism/fantasy authors are Neil Gaiman and Suzanna Clark. Also Theodora Goss's short stories

@gergana.c I've read the Night Circus and absolutely love it! I've also read all of Leigh Bardugo's books and Uprooted. I haven't read anything of Gaimen or Clark. Any recommendations for a starting point with their books?

@Gabi Graceffo Gaiman is a really versatile writer so it really depends on what you are looking for. His novel "Stardust" is a fairy tale for grown ups. And most of his short stories are really good too (don't start with the collection "Fragile things".). Also "The ocean at the end of the lane" has magical realism/supernatural elements.

@Gabi Graceffo As for Clarke. If you are not really in the mood for her biggest book "Jonathan Strange and Mister Norell", her short story collection 'The ladies of Grace adieux' is good.

Beautiful! I just got a story idea from listening to this. I recently read Deathless and now I'm in book hangover; any recommendations other than listening to this on repeat forever?
