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let's go!!

2 comments on let's go!!

I didn't expect to love this nearly as much as I did. I was thinking from the title it was going to be a much more hyper and loud pump up mix (which I'm all for) so I was confused when the tracks were a lot sofer and slower. More so than getting me all riled up this inspires me and excites me in a magical and creative way. i LOVE it.

@Optimistic-Alchemist this comment means a lot to me. i always felt like this mix got looked over because i tried to go for a "pump up" adventure feel without having a classic blasting, fast-paced vibe and instead went for the excitement found within a daunting, mysterious quest. so it means a whole lot to me that you appreciated that and took the time to listen, even though it's one of my older ones. thank you soooo much!! you inspire me!
