722 comments on Super#5398 was here by guilty

Damn that's a lot of listens, and i can clearly see (or hear rather) why. This is fan-fuckin-tastic and actually inspired me to stop stumbling and go to bed. I'm not sure you quite understand the magnitude of that statement... I stopped stumbling. That doesn't happen often.

i can't get away from the awesomeness this playlist brings to the world. but i don't want to get away either. you did a fabulous job.

such an amazing playlist, perfect for keeping my panic levels steady enough so i can actually understand what i'm reading (yes i am using a sleep playlist for studying). haven't had music tug at my heartstrings for quite a while.

If you are trying to read something, concentrate on something, or just listen to something beautiful, listen to this. Please.

a great mix, was yawning from first song, went to bed during second, fell asleep somewhere in 3rd. woke up refreshed 2 hours later, listened to it again and it helped wake me up. I don't understand but i love it!!

Some of my old time and all-time faves. Props on the playlist - great artists. Explosions can either put you to sleep or support you in an intense run -- love it!
