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Hottest Rap & Hip Hop January 2013


January 2013 Hottest Rap & Hip Hop

First one of 2013 so you know we need to start it off right. Last year I made 14 of these Hottest Rap & Hip Hop playlists and all of them turned out pretty well. Now its the start of a whole new year; I got you 8tracks.

*Rondo...you will be missed*

26 tracks
21 comments on Hottest Rap & Hip Hop January 2013 (View all)

i follow everyone new months rap mixes they are too sick and they are the only thing i listen to for fresh new beats every month keep it up and please never delete your profile

i follow everyone new months rap mixes they are too sick and they are the only thing i listen to for fresh new beats every month keep it up and please never delete your profile
