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sons of anarchy: a Sepanx fanmix.

A playlist based on the complex universe built by the amazing writer @Okaeri_Kairi/@limitofquestions.

"In Russia you hear a lot about the bratva being contaminated by outsiders, but that's ridiculous. Brothers don't have to come from the same blood. What makes you brothers isn't whether or not you share a mother or father, but the bonds you build between yourselves. If that's true between Russians, then it's true between anyone"

Separation Anxiety (Sepanx): http://archiveofourown.org/works/8952229/
Cover: http://horrorshow.tumblr.com/post/124328747007/
Alternative links: Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/vangoghi/playlist/2ZeFDAgWWptdlZTlDT8QYf
Playmoss - https://playmoss.com/en/harleenquinzel/playlist/sons-of-anarchy

27 tracks
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