In Aquitaine a woman had for six years been molested by an Incubus with incredible carnal abuse and lechery; she heard the Incubus threaten her that she mustn't go near the holy man, who was coming that way, saying: “It will avail you nothing: for when he was gone away, I, who have till now been your lover, will become the cruelest of tyrants to you.” None the less she went to S. Bernard, and he said to her: “Take my staff and set it in your bed, and may the devil do what he can.” When she'd done this, the devil didn't dare to enter her room, but threatened her terribly from outside, saying that he'd persecute her when S. Bernard had gone away. When S. Bernard heard this from the woman, he called the people together, bidding them carry lighted candles in their hands, and, with the whole assembly which was gathered, excommunicated the devil, forbidding him evermore to approach that woman or any other. And so she was delivered from that punishment.
