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Dancing around the kitchen


**My first mix ever.

A diverse playlist of cute, slower songs to let you imagine you and your favorite band member/crush dancing together at 1 am while making a midnight snack.

(I made this while thinking about dancing with aShtON IRwiN) ((I LOVE HIM))

54 tracks
1 comment on Dancing around the kitchen

ok this was my first mix and im listening to it now and does it always play the songs in the order you added them ???? bc in that case i wouldnt have done it in ((almost)) alphabetical order bc its such a long playlist ((sorry)) and a lot of my favorite songs to dance too are towards the end ((like thinking out loud by ed sheeran)) but i apologize if you encounter the same thing. ive only really used this website for the 5sos album before it was out in america. now ive typed way to much im sorry again. bUT THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS EVEN CLICKED PLAY OR LIKED THIS PLAYLIST I LOVE YOU ALL
