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3 comments on Push/Pull

I listened to this playlist over and over YEARS ago and when 8tracks underwent all of those messy changes a while ago I lost this playlist from my saved folders. I spent SO SO LONG looking for it with any keywords I could think of, but it just refused to show up on this hellsite even when I typed in the title verbatim. Idk why this playlist in particular has been so prevalent in my mind for so many years; maybe because it was the sole piece of fanwork for this one ship? But today, when not even looking for it, I somehow stumbled across the link on livejournal... I think I'm having a minor heart attack atm honestly, I can't believe I've found it again!!!! Cannot wait to press play again. Anyway, long winding pointless comment over, just THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!

this mix is so good. it's realistically sad without being crushingly tragic and it's still got that darwin-as-protector-and-refuge vibe going on, i love it. thank you for this, i found it while sadly googling darwin/alex and now i'm solidly entrenched in denialville again.

I just want you to know that I was soooo happy when I found this tracks <333 I ALWAYS LOVE ALEX/ARMANDO. And the tracks are just... right. So thank you so much!!!!! I love this. You made my day
