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Bedroom Hymns II


a sexually charged playlist for when lust is dripping from every breathless word and claw marks and bruises are a sign that you did a damn good job

11 tracks
7 comments on Bedroom Hymns II

Besides the perfection that is this playlist, could you possibly link the original photo you used for the album cover? HAWT.

Last night I lost the beginnings of a smut fic due to Word not responding. This fanmix helped me through the tedious rewriting process. I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW GRATEFUL I AM THANK YOU.

I totally hear you there with the rewriting process. So glad to hear this got your juices flowing again! ;D You're most welcome and best of luck with your writing.

I am really happy I found this mix, it was exactly what I was searching for and I've been listening to it for more than a month now. Some of the songs became part of my favorite track list. Thank you.
