Hermione's Birds
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“I think that, the point of it all, is that the moment at the beach? I had never really understood who I was until then. That’s who I am. That person, and there, right there, next to me, that was you. That’s who you are.”

An instrumental mix for Twist & Shout
Part I - 1965
Part II - 1969
Part III - 1981
(tracklist: http://37.media.tumblr.com/2f2e2b4977c5a14d3745d8f224b0b49a/tumblr_n5rbc4YsB21so7cxuo2_500.png)
(listen with the sound of the sea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmHcfI6HoKA)

25 tracks
31 comments on Crash. (View all)

Holy shit. This was so amazing and beautifully put together. d felt while reading Twist & Shout come rushing back and I nearly sobbed through the whole mix.

Damnit, now I need to read this fanfic. I haven't seen Supernatural, but Twist and Shout looks intense. Thanks for the playlist and inspiration.

@doublezerodomino "Intense" is a nice way to put it haha x) I think, because Twist and Shout is an AU fic and very well written, you can easily read it without having watched the show in the first place, like a proper book really (though of you don't get the double reading, all the little details that are very amusing when you know the original story and characters)
