Hermione's Birds
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16 comments on This And This And This. (View all)

this is so beautiful. I just finished reading TSOA and it made me cry. This playlist sums up the whole book and it's so beautiful. It captures Achilles and Patroclus beautifully!

this really is like a real movie soundtrack, especially 'a summer beneath the trees'. i read the quotes as voiceovers in an actual film with this playlist as the score, it's so beautiful!

@musique de nuit thank you so much for your comment! this is all i try hard to achieve with my playlists, and i'm always super happy when someone tells me they read the book while listening to it. tsoa deserves its own real movie and ost but meanwhile we'll always have 8tracks :)

If I wasn't crying before, Luminous got me. I shouldn't feel this many emotions for these men but I can't help it. Beautiful done, thank you! xx

@forsimplicityssake Thank you! ahh well, i am much the same, i have embraced his compromised way of living. I recommend reading a ton of cute modern AU to cheer you up after this! playlist!
