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dance the waltz with me

2 comments on dance the waltz with me

ofcourse we are still friends dear overseas music friend... i ... we cannot without the brits... and daily i watch the bbc... and no borders between us.... you are sill welcome.... greetings and ofcourse let the music also play in 2017... with greetings from jan

Hello hetorakelt, Its that time of year when I think of all my friends and acquaintances. So hoping that this message reaches you, and you are in good spirits, I wish you and your family very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year. With all my very best wishes, Moordown27, from London. PS. I hope we are still good friends after "Brexit". We will still be European's after all, with a lot of history between us, We like the Dutch a lot, sadly we don't think much of the French ,
