213 comments on You're Still A Weeaboo by hooguu

(commenting here due to technical issues)yeah but you weren't ashamed of your ex-weeaboo status because you were being appropriative, you were embarrassed because you really wanted attention. plus you made this "nostalgic" mix about your days. this isn't you shunning the fact that you fetishised Japanese culture, this is you essentially you celebrating it, but regretting several aspects of yourself back then, none of which have anything to do with the fact that you made Japanese people and their culture into a trendy fad for yourself. thus, you are a cultural fetishist, i do not stand corrected. plus, the culture never affected you negatively; it was your own bastardised interpretation of "Japanese" culture that harmed you and for good measure.

This may be the case for other people in their weeaboo stages, which is part of how I marketed it. For me, and a lot of others, they know about the appropriation aspects of being a weeb.

I no longer subject myself to the traits of weeabooism, nor do I celebrate having gone through it. But this isn't about me, and it shouldn't be. The issue here is the gross aspects of being a weeaboo, ones I think are really toxic to people's perceptions of Japanese culture. All weeabooism is a fetishism of Japanese media, and is not an acceptable way to act. Nowhere in this have these acts been approved or made okay.

Me personally, I am ashamed that I spread a lie about the culture of a nation and race I'll never experience as part of (though like many I desperately tried to as a weeb).

You're looking for a confirmation you've already gotten and you're fighting somebody who is agreeing with you on the whole.

Nostalgia can be about doing things wrong.

your heart may be in the right place, but if you check your comments on all of these mixes, you can really tell at first glance that this is not how it is being viewed as. majority of comments suggest that a whole lot of these people have missed what you argue to be the point of this series. i would have recommended that instead you make it much more clear that is supposed to be a parody. i apologise for being very harsh, but i will say that it's not super clear. additionally, i still think that this may not be the best way to go around shaming weebs as it can be easily misinterpreted as many commenters have seemed to have done (with extremely appropriative and weeabo-esque statements). i feel like i have a better understanding of what you were trying to do now (maybe) but i'm wondering about why you never responded to all those comments from people who have taken it the wrong way, but you had time to respond to mine? the (probably) only commenter on here getting annoyed about this?

Perhaps the best way to describe why I never responded to the plethora of comments is to point to you the ammount of them. I would be wasting my time on something that I made to make a joke about a subsection of nerd culture.

I honestly have nothing else to say to you about this mix series other that you are trying to place responsibility of a cultural issue on one person.

I apologize for not making this more clear, perhaps it was more clear when I first posted it without having to make a whole bunch of edits for the people who bugged me on my tumblr about what should be included. That being said, I don't see it as my job to baby a bunch of immature teenagers who have fallen into the ploys of Japanese media. I am not a public figure, I am not a saint, I am only a person making a mix on a music website.

??? we ended this already? you're pretty fucking late for one. secondly, we get offended because it is something that could be very offensive jfc you fucking ang moh gwai loh

Sazely, as the creator of this mix I can confirm to you that a large part of my argument with intergalaticplanetary has been a misunderstanding, and even so we have met on common ground regarding the issue. This is a mere mix, as discussed prior, and each person on this earth is allowed to get offended if they feel offended.

Please lets not start another argument, seeing as the first ended up in a friendship and common understanding.

Yeah, okay. I was merely commenting on the excessive use of buzzwords that seem to be popularised on tumblr, such as "appropriative" and "cultural fetishist", which, while they obviously have their own meanings and connotations, have been popularised by a group of clicktivists. My comment wasn't directly a response to intergalacticplanetary's opinions, but of the Internet's general "tumblrisation" and the idea of getting offended at the smallest things. I apologise if I've caused argument, but that wasn't my intent.

I understand what you mean. Tumblr can be a bit (or rather very) zany and pompous about their ideas of society, but you shouldn't see terms having to do with societal power play as purely a "tumblr thing". As the world changes and thoughts grow ideas and often times zealots who think they're spreading things well will pop up. There are a lot of people on tumblr like that who are spreading a bad imagine when it comes to the words used by myself and intergalaticplanetary.

Humans get offended a lot, and humans overcome what offends them. Being tumblr-phobic isn't the answer to combat the overly sensitive/uneducated on how to actually support a cause. Being critical of what exactly they're getting offended over and understanding the core of it is.

Thank you for liking my mix though, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

let's really not start another fight. i never said that i didn't have tumblr though. still, do be reminded that people don't get offended for no good reason. there are reasons for us minorities to get mad, and it doesn't help when there are people, kinda like you, who try and tell us that our anger is invalid. 99% of the time, it isn't. it hard for you to see sometimes, but it's the truth.


I didn't know I can still sing along to "Marukaite Chikyuu" --- woah - but I am so not ashamed --- the other's though... we won't talk about it uwu

singing and dancing along, my mom and sister just stared at me... especially the first song! I practically screamed the lyrics. Dunno how long since I've last listened to these, good lord

Oh my god, this is so embarrassing but I'm laughing and crying at the same time because this used to be my life guys ./casually favorites this mix

Despite the fact that I haven't listened to it in years, I still recognise every tone of the Death Note Theme. I also started singing the extended version. Oh God.


Ahhh, Matteke! Sailor Fuku never manages to fail to make me go all the way to the otaku-mode. And Marukaite Chikyuu and and.. pretty much everything actually! (we shouldn't talk about the last one tho... let's say it never, NEVER happened...)

i am legit cringing as i listen to this

thank you (im serious bc wow i feel better about myself now why did we ever think these were cool ommgmg)
