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Knife the Mack


Eighteen tracks of one of my personal obsessions, aka Die Moritat von Mackie Messer. A song composed by Kurt Weill with lyrics by Bertolt Brecht, makes its first appearance in The Threepenny Opera (Berlin 1928), soon becoming a standard in popular music of all ages. Including music by Sting, Louis Armstrong, Psychedelic Furs, and many many others...

19 tracks
4 comments on Knife the Mack

good stuff, dude - I'll be back for a second helping - and to check if Ute Lemper and Lotte Loya are here too. If not, you're in major trouble! ;) This song simply HAS TO be listened to in German. The lyrics were written with great emphasis on alliterations with the RRRRRRRRRR. Ute is particularly great at it! It's all sadly lost in English.
