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if this isn't who we are, then who are we?


ok (gathers u around my Humble Campfire) so theres this show called w1a and its Really Good! like Ok if u havent watched this show or even Heard of it there is most Certainly a problem so go watch it on netflix i am Begging u,

anyways ive been watching it 4 like a month and i finished it 2 nights ago and the fact that there may or may not be a 3rd series is honestly a Tragedy So in order 2 cope w my grief i made this playlist as a peace offering 2 john morton so he'll announce that there will be a 3rd series! so ya thats pretty much it this mix is Really horrible and im sorry abt that it was kinda hard and also the fandom is really small which Sucks ass so. u guys please watch this show u will Love it i promise everyone is so pure and well meaning and im!!! a lil bit dead!!!! nice!!!!!!

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