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nothing to disintegrate me


this is another one of those oc mix things lmao

for my starsona memini who is both me and my daughter at the same time!!!! it's an Interesting Relationship

art is by me!

10 tracks
1 comment on nothing to disintegrate me

WENT ON HERE YESTERDAY AND I LOVED THIS SO MUCH I DECIDED TO GET AN ACCOUNT LOL omg I love "variations on a cloud" and "you are the moon" (was it on this track?) so much it's not even real, such a nice mix<33

@Spasha BBRBRRROROROROROR IM SO HONORED RN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND???????? TYSM IM GONNA CRY YOU ARE SO SWEET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yea im p sure i put "you are the moon" on here!!!! im so eXCITED TYSM!!!!! <33333333333333
