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you brought your worst and i'm right here (ode to ry)


i hope you choke on empty apologies. pretend i never mattered to you, but in the end we both know i’m the best you'll ever have. pointing fingers won’t get you anywhere 'cus you never took blame for anything so get used to it, it's not getting any better. i hate to break it to you honey but you're more transparent than the window i put my fist through when you choked out “it’s over”. but thanks for taking up my time for a while, at least it distracted me from the real world. i guess i forgot that the weather can change all it likes, but you’ll be stuck counting idle days ‘til you find someone else to amuse you. why not stand on the roof & sing as loudly as you can about how nobody will ever remember you? shame i invested myself in a lost cause, so throw me out of a window on wall street xø

10 tracks