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A Different Disney


Because I can't help but pick all heteronormativity apart- These disney songs put a soundtrack to being in the closet and dealing with alternate sexualities.
If you can think of any other songs, let me know!

13 tracks
8 comments on A Different Disney

Great playlist! Here are some of my suggestions: There's Room For Everyone (Pete's Dragon) / On My Way (Brother Bear) / Proud of Your Boy (Aladdin)

What I love about this mix is that some of the songs on here are not recognized as the most popular of Disney, but they are some of my favourites.

imaginary hat * * (haha from cougar town) thank you for this mix! haven't listened all the way through but if it isn't there "Listen with you're heart" from Pocahontas wo... hahahaha not kidding it just came on when i was writing this, thank you :)
