47 comments on sonatas & serenades by irrevokable

Found your beautiful mix in searching Henry Purcell in the 8tracks-database. Thank you for this nice classical moment.
Special mention to Trevor Morris and Philip Glass and greetings from France.✿

me gusta mucho tus tracks de sonatas y serenades, tambien tus fotos son muy artisticas y bellas.
siempre que trabajo en casa las escucho, me tranquilizan

love doing my homework, cleaning, cooking, falling asleep, basically everything to this mix! such a good combination of classical music to clear your mind to! thanks for this :)

@MrsBear thank you! i'm aware of it being on there twice. i couldn't choose between the different versions so i decided to just put them both on here. :)

Oh, but you do have Moonlight Sonata on here twice! Not that I think anyone minds =D But I thought you should know.

I'm not sure how you did it, but somehow, you stole my favorite playlist off of iTunes and made this mix from it.

Excellent job!
