223 comments on The Saddest Music In The World... by JacobDeZoet

My friend came into the room and I was about to kill him because I was enjoying this so much and didn't want to be interrupted. You should add Tennessee by Hans Zimmer (Pearl Harbor Soundtrack)

love it so much. I listened to this treasure so long ago and now I revisited it during exams. thanks for the seriously good mix.

my god, I could not stop weapping when "toghether we will live forever"... I remembered the whole "The fountain". Great mix... thank you :')

I honestly think that listening to the rain whilst playing this is my favourite thing on Earth to do. Thank you.

beautiful mix. Especially the addition of Mansell tracks from the Fountain. One of the best soundtracks I've ever had the pleasure of listening to.

Oh man... the song from lost made me remember all the times i kinda cried during that show... and all the tears just came back...

While listening to this mix while reading The Catcher In The Rye is the first time I've been able to cry since I was 8. And i don't even know why! Great mix, I guess! (P.S. Kettering by The Antlers would complete the spectrum for sure)
