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Strange Frontier


A 2018 NaNoWriMo by Leebeewilly.

Frontier settler story, US 1866, but they're not settling the west. A portal to another world opened and Delilah Carver, a nurse from the civil war, and her husband go to settle a new life. Part historical fiction, part fantasy/sci-fi. It follows the struggles of a settler in a land so different from the one they're used to. The world is a bioluminescent fungal forest, they're there to mine a stone that generates electricity. The characters are the normal players you expect to find in the old west: the trappers, the Pinkertons, the saloon owners and the girls that work there. The doctor, the zealous preacher, the other settling families and of course, prospectors. It's a Deadwood meets the world of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Instrumentals only.

20 tracks
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