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Danngo's No Destination

9 comments on Danngo's No Destination (View all)

alright before you get ya pantiez in a wad, i aint sayin you stole nothin shit i snatch trax from just bout everyone isn't that what this site fo? No problem with a quick grab n go, but coppin' flow n' order of songs Amon->Prefuse->GV is different which is what i was talkin bout you doink! hey speakin of that where is that cactus at BOIiiiii

oh, those panties all bunched up. they're granny panties too, so its a great big ol bunch. my poor buttcheeks! ha. No i don't remember you using that flow, but that was a great mix. It must have sunk in subliminally. I'm just fucking w/you about the track. we all use tracks we find :)

btw, you can get holy other tracks for free from last.fm
