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If You See Something, Say Nothing and Drink to Forget - a Night Vale Fanmix


A fanmix about, in no particular order: Cecil’s sonorous voice, Carlos’s perfect hair, angels, glow clouds, hooded figures, the Sheriff’s not-so-secret secret police, dog parks, casual solipsism, the moon, wheat and its by-products, coffee dates, dead interns, love, and other impossibilities.

Photo credit to Adrian Schlafani (http://bit.ly/17esbgS).

10 tracks
6 comments on If You See Something, Say Nothing and Drink to Forget - a Night Vale Fanmix

This is by far my favorite WtNV mix. I listen to this almost everyday, and I have learned almost all of the lyrics to all of the songs. Fantastic job! Please keep it up and make more like this!
