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Tokyo Ghoul - OST Tracks


Best tracks off the Tokyo Ghoul OST.

I'm not sure if W.S. is for Toyko Ghoul, since it isn't on the OST or used in the anime, but a lot of people seem to associate it with it.

Also for some reason when I uploaded OMO and other tracks from the OST it wouldn't publish so I had to use Soundcloud for those.

9 tracks
7 comments on Tokyo Ghoul - OST Tracks

heyo! this is an awesome playlist and i was wondering if you would let me put a link to this playlist on my blog?

Tokyo Ghoul and Ling Tosite Sigure were two of the best discoveries I made this year, in their respective media types, and the fact that they were wrapped up together in the same package only made me more passionate about both. Thank you for the mix, it's a great soundtrack.
