13 comments on For a Romantic Mind by jgganeto

Me lembrou muito do meu pai, que sempre escutava e saia cantarolando despreocupado por aí. Ótimas memórias, obrigada. :)

@ichelsea Just coz you're asking :) Jokes apart I was indeed very frustraded I left some songs behind... I'll for sure put my mind on another mix... And thanks for listening :)

@shannonsdream Thanks! To tell you the truth this mix was intended to have a lot more songs... Unfortunately 8track has a song limit LOL

@luvuvbananas Although I must say... The real list was supposed to be much bigger... 8tracks don't let me upload all of them... So many love old ones missing here :(

@luvuvbananas Most of them I've been listening through all my life, since little... I'm an old timer when it comes to romantic music, they are the best in my opinion... I'm glad you like the mix, and thx for the comment ;)
