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Like Or As

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Side A:
Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box
of Montreal - Heimsdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse
TV On The Radio - Wolf Like Me
My Brightest Diamond - Like A Sieve
Timber Timbre - Like A Mountain
The Magnetic Fields - Love Is Like A Bottle Of Gin
Aimee Mann - Just Like Anyone
Pulp - Like A Friend
Mojave 3 - Puzzles Like You

Side B:
The Walkmen - Blue As Your Blood
Tom Waits - Bad As Me
Wye Oak - Hot As Day
Bjork - Venus As A Boy
Nancy Sinatra - As Tears Go By
Joanna Newsom - Soft As Chalk
Johnny Cash - Dark As A Dungeon
The Mills Brothers - Ida, Sweet As Apple Cider
