To be or not to be -- That is the question.- Hamlet.

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Waddup? I'm Joel (Obviously). I am a pretty chill guy. I'm laidback, optomistic, caring, silly, sympathetic, protective, and just a nice person to be around. I'm down for just about anything, but I'm cautious at the same time about what I do. My emotions are constantly changing like the waves in the sea. I have my highs and lows. I can be shy at first, but once you crack my shell I will show you what a fun person I am. I'm always looking for attention and I just want to have a good time. I avoid drama at all costs. I'm a very passive person and avoid any kind of conflicts. My family and friends are no one to mess with. I stick by them like flies on poop. I will back them up no matter what. I am a brother, a friend, a photographer . . . But simply, I am who I am, & I can't be no one else. If you've read this far, I really appreciate it because you've taken the time to get to know a bit about me. . . but!!! To get to know me better! You'd have to meet me in real life. Feel free to send me a Message or Add me.
