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Sometimes Sad is Beautiful


Studying when everyone else is having fun?
Feeling sad out of nowhere?
Only one awake at 3am cranking out that essay.. because you had too much fun the night before?

Sometimes the best way to cure loneliness is to chill out and grab some alone time. Hopefully these emotional soundtracks will let you see the beauty of life.
Play this playlist, ride it out and lift yourself up.

#1. New tab
#2. lower rain volume to "low"
#3. Get your shit together

25 tracks
39 comments on Sometimes Sad is Beautiful (View all)

Absolutely beautiful!! Thank you so much for making a soundtrack for my studying that is Peaceful! I have found many instrumental playlists here, but this one tops them all. It is Calm enough that I can study, with a side of pleasure that I am not completely bored while doing so... when this music is here! Thank you!!!
