Jusqu'à je suis libre, je l'empêcherai de fonctionner...

There is a voice within all of us, and until you find that voice, you are forever silent to the world. You walk around and you speak, but the words you say are despicable, because they are words sans meaning. You have to find that voice, as a service to yourself and to others, because without it you are an empty shell. This voice is called "passion", and it doesn't matter what you are passionate about. You may be passionate about something that i don't agree with, it may be something that i hate, but I can still respect you for having passion. What i cannot respect, and what i despise more than anything, is the opposite to passion; apathy.

TOP TAGS dubstep, chill, The Living Graham Bond, NiT GriT, electronic

Member since Aug 2011
