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****NOTE: 8tracks has modified some of my tracks and this mix is not pure instrumental covers only. I will fix this in a few days. So sorry about this! -JudRoV (Oct 5, 15)*****

160+ instrumental cover of pop songs to help you focus on your studies! Did I miss your favorite music? Be sure to leave a comment with your suggestions! :-)

If you found the playlist helpful, you might enjoy Part I:

Last updated: March 3, 2015.

162 tracks
12 comments on Pop Instrumental (View all)

There's something about this playlist that is evoking some very strong emotions and taking me on a journey I didn't foresee happening.

This helped me so much with studying! I love listening to music while studying, but music with singing is too distracting. Thanks to this playlist I can listen to my favourite songs without getting distracted <3
