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My Ultimate Sex Playlist


Thirteen tracks including music by Kings of Leon, Muse, and Radiohead. It starts off romantic with a song to have a slow dance, slow, trance sensual songs, harder, faster rock songs, dirty songs that you can end with, and finally having a cute slow song to cuddle to. :) Hope you enjoy!

11 tracks
33 comments on My Ultimate Sex Playlist (View all)

I'm with Keylogg (below); I liked this from the first tune.

I had it queued up to share with my wife at some point, but was working late tonight and decided to give it a listen -- very nice stuff, thank you for putting it together, Just_Andie12.

(And maybe this is just me, but I'm always so, uh, lost with a gazillion playlists to choose from, I find that it induces analysis paralysis. Anyway, sure is nice to have found something enjoyable here.)
