184 comments on Fit For Summer 2014 ☀ by KalynNicholson

ive just had 2 kids and have never had the motivation to work out even before they were born until I watched your videos and listened to this! your an amzing girl thanks for this!! never been so inspired by 1 person! ♥

I LOVE you kalyn and ive been subcribed to you on youtube since like the start. For everyone out there who has tried this playlist (which i love- i now enjoy having a workout :) would look at my 'chillax' playlist which would be perfect to listen after to wind down a slow your blood flow from working out. please to not report as spam. love you kalyn xxxxxox

loving it. gonna listen to it while doing my cardio tomorrow morning finally some great new jams. so sad i can't listen to music while my swim practising.

Thank you so much for your video and more you have given me motivation ever since I first saw it and now I'm actually seeing a dirffence!
