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don't let go


When your hopes and dreams lose the will to go... songs which bring you new hope and make you feel better, including music by Coldplay, Onerepublic and Keane.

15 tracks
7 comments on don't let go

Would have signed n thrgh fb but the sharing friendz info got 2 me. U can look me up veronica jones I was born n Iceland (military parents) mvd @ 7. Im black if ur looking 4 a veronica on fb. I like or have all these cds u played :) blk friends tease. But have to best friends frm poland twins! Kinga & Inga but I could always tell them apart..lol. Well thats it,oh I love Keane especially “crystal ball”. Front singer we've been stationed there 2. But I sub u can kick off. Have nice day ;) I will w/ur mix!
