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A playlist retelling "Undertale" through musical theater songs. Act II: True Pacifist.
Also, sorry not sorry for having two "Heathers" songs in a row.

Annotations still haven't come back from the war, so here they are:
1.) Reset/Frisk
2.) Alphys Date/Frisk, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys
3.) Home videos/Asriel and Chara (Just imagine the dialogue in between as the dialogue from the videos and prepare yourself for pain.)
4.) Alphys and the True Lab/Frisk and Alphys
5.) "Nobody fight!"/Cast
6.) "It's me, your best friend!"/Asriel
7.) Comfort him/Frisk, Chara, and Asriel
8.) Saying goodbye and leaving for the surface/Instrumental
9.) Happy ending! (Everyone's happy, don't reset plz.)/Cast

ENCORE: http://8tracks.com/kaydog/undertale-the-musical-encore-genocide

9 tracks
2 comments on Undertale: The Musical (Act II: True Pacifist)
