9 comments on La belle vie <3 by kelly.km1

Absolutely love this playlist! I listened to it while I wrote my term paper and it really fueled my inspiration and helped me to stay focused! Great choice of songs!

@burtonaire I'm so, so glad that the playlist helped and inspired you and that you like it! That's the purpose of sharing our playlists after all :) Your comment made my day! Thanx ;)

Yeah! It's a very beautiful city! I'm glad you enjoyed this playlist and that it brought you, hopefully, good memories! Thanx for listening babe! ;)

I was just so happy when I saw your comment! :) It is the first one!! Thanx for that.. I'll try to make another one! :) Au revoir!!

I'm so glad to read all those nice comments.. ! Thank you for this playlist which is perfect ! it makes me feel proud of being french. I hope you'll live in my pretty country somedays. All the best and thank you again !

A bientôt !

Your comment makes me so, so happy! Thank you! I really appreciate everything you wrote and I feel such an honor "hearing" these words from a native. You just made my day! :) Merci mon ami! <3
