Call me Elliot. I won’t answer to it, because it’s not my name, but it’s much more agreeable than most of the things I’ve been called. “Call me ‘that-weird-guy-who-loves-to-say-“fuck”-a-lot’ is probably more accurate, but “Elliot” seems classier.

Well, here goes, name is Ken Poon, I’d like to think that I’m very affable, but you most likely think I’m a total asshole already, which doesn’t bother me really, because I probably am. I’m 18 years old, I was born in Johor Bahru, I have no girlfriend. I do a lot of gaming and electronics. I’m a pacifist, I don’t believe in religion, I think it just starts wars.

I’d like to be an engineer when I’ve finished school, seems like the sort of job that I’d like, get to invent stuffs, and do some crazy programmes.
I’m the sort of guy who uses the ‘small tits’ category on porn websites. I listen to most music, anything other than that k-pop bullshits. I’ve been listening to a lot of indie music at the moment. I like dogs, but I don't have one. I drink mainly milk, I’m five foot four. My hair is black, I have brown eyes, but you probably don’t give an actual fuck. I do a lot of photography, and would one day like to see it as more than just a hobby. I don’t like to wear hats. I’m always stay optimistic. I’m weird, but I don’t mind that. I don’t hate many things, the one thing I hate, is how today’s society is so fucking mainstream, everyone wears the same things, listens to the same music, follows the same trends. I don’t drink much, and never smokes, I’m not against it, I just think that people can have fun without been drunk or high. I’m also a fairly wise person. I see art in things that aren’t necessarily artistic. I like the colour brown. I don’t eat pork, slightly because I think it has weird smell.

My mind works in strange ways, and a lot of people think it’s odd, which doesn’t bother me much. I’m a bit like a rock. You can stand on me, and I won’t complain, I get on with my life. I feel kinda sorry for toilet’s, because we’re all “Here have my shit” but then we’re all “It’s okay, I’m done” and the toilet sighs with relief, but then we’re all “Just kidding, heres some more, attached to some paper, have a shit day."

Alright, I’m hoping you laughed throughout all this bullshit above. I’m going to do what you’ve been thinking to yourself this whole time and “Shut the fuck up”. Don't add me if you don't feel comfortable reading this. Have a nice day.
