Is this playlist safe for work?

Stop facebooking and do your photoshop.


46 tracks including music way too many artists to explain how random and sporadic this mix is. You'll hear everything except country, opera, and calypso. I made this hoping that those of you working on that hardcore design project, could listen to this wild variety, and not have to worry about skipping to another mix. I tried to pick my favs but obviously there's too many. Good luck!

43 tracks
13 comments on Stop facebooking and do your photoshop. (View all)

I've noticed that some of the songs that are playing...are not songs I've put into the mix originally and do not match their titles...Not sure what's going on...Hoping to figure this out soon...

Not going to lie...only knew of one song on this list before I listened to it, but it is PERFECT for a graphic designer. I thank you for my productivity.
